Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I commented on Meghan's Blog post Accepted
I commented on Paris Hiltons Blog Texting Take Over

Monday, March 30, 2009

"But I Really Do Have An Evil Twin..."

Imagine you have an evil twin.

He constantly gets you in trouble and you have been arrested before and have your prints and DNA now on record with police.

Now imagine your evil twin pulls a multimillion dollar jewelry heist at one of the countries national landmark stores. He slips up however and accidentally leaves behind a glove with some DNA in it.

However your genetic markers are so close that you and your twin can't be told apart by your DNA and are therefore let go. This is due to a hole in the law that says a single person must be definitively placed at the scene of the crime, not to people. However, since your release the police plan to monitor your movements and actions closely.

Sounds like a plot line for an Ocean's Fourteen movie right? Wrong.
This is the real life story of two German twins who successfully pulled off a multimillion dollar jewel heist and will never see the inside of a jail cell for their crime.

This brings to question, just how many criminals are we letting slip through the cracks and should we be punishing our criminals more severely? The twins did have a record and managed to still escape punishment for this crime. What do you think should be done?

Monday, March 16, 2009


Advertising is today's most influential form of communication.

It accounts for billions of dollars of spending every year which in turn generates many more billions into the pockets of those who advertise. Ads are judged during the Superbowl, Brands are catapulted into our heads on buses and trains, and the average American can expect to see most metropolitan roads littered with billboards.

With so many messages out there it seems everyone and everything is being promoted.

The USA Government is no exception. Their promoting Marriage.

I'll let that sink in.

It is a true wonder that this initiative is being continued in our current economic state. While the Obama administration continues to furiously work to block bonus money going to AIG executives and other workers, it seems odd that they would spend money on developing an advertising campaign for a traditional institution such as marriage. (To even party lines, the initiative was first developed and passed by the Bush administration.) While perhaps the divorce rate is higher than it was during the crusades, the threat of death from the church is no longer prevalent in our community which means marriage is viewed in a very different way. However the advertising campaign isn't targeting divorce. Or issues such as gay marriage. It's solely about getting married. One reporter, Sharon Jayson, said it was merely a declaration of "research suggests a bevy of benefits for those who marry, including better health, greater wealth and more happiness for the couple, and improved well-being for children". Those are the reasons we're spending a six-seven digit big chunk of money on promoting. Happier lives. For those of us still dealing with the economic problems in the real world, it seems our government is still figuring we'll just pay for the bail outs latter.